Mbongi: An African Traditional Political Institution by Fu-kiau (Fukiau)
From the Introduction…
“Modern Africa is often a stranger to itself. Its so-called institutions are also alien to it. The national economic disease spreading to many African states is not African in origin. It is a disease generated by alien economic systems blindly adopted or being adopted by African leaders who have never sat inside an African “Mbongi,” a truly indigenous political institution.”
Praise for Mbongi…
“Dr. Fu-Kiau shares the structure and process of “governance,” a collective problem solving consensus building indigenous approach which is deeper than what most western discussants mean by “democracy.” In his book African Cosmology of the Bantu-Kongo, he delivers an equally profound definition of “community.” Mbongi is a powerful part of Dr. Fu-Kiau’s broad body of scholarship, most of it yet to be published in English, that reveals the deep thought and actions in traditional life. Mbongi has the added advantage of being highly relevant to Africans and others now.”
Baffour Amankwatia II [Asa G. Hilliard III], Fuller E.
Callaway Professor of Education, Georgia State University, Atlanta.